Thursday, August 4, 2011


HARDWARE - the visible, physical information processing machines. This refers to technical equipment, such as the computer Compact Disc (CD)player, LCD panel, Scanner, modem, keyboard, printer, disc drive, and other physical machines.

SOFTWARE - the programs that run the hardware. Software is stored in flopy disc, hard drives, CD ROMS, videodiscs, videotape, audiotape, and other learning resources. It makes the hardware function.

INTERFACE - A device that connects various hardware to allow them to work together, such as a computer and printer.

INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY - Technology that enables teachers and students to interact with the technology by stopping and starting, viewing select pieces of video or answering questions, thus effecting the output of the technology. For example, when viewing an interactive video about the Philippine Revolution, a student can view the Battle of Tirad Pass, jump to a document written about the battle, then view select biographies of people involved.

NON - INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY - Technology that a person cannot actively interact with other than viewing. For example, watching a video on the Philippine Flora and Fauna.

MULTIMEDIA - The use of a variety of hardware and software, usually including a combination of computer data, graphic, audio and video.

HYPERMEDIA - A combination of buttons, fields and text. The student explores a subject in any order(linear or sequential presentation of material)and to whatever depth desired. He points and clicks a mouse in a word or image on the screen and opens windows where more information is displayed about the word or image. Hypertext/Hypermedia material provides a view of information that better reflects the interconnectedness of knowledge for a richer, interactive learning experience.

DISTANCE LEARNING - Broadcast information programs that link students with teachers. It eliminates the need for long - distance travel, especially in rural areas where formal education is not available.

NETWORK - A system of linking schools,areas and people across a country or continent. Data may be transmitted via cable, telephone lines, and modems allowing students to retrieve and download articles, newsclips, slides, videos and programs from computers. Network allow students to do extensive research through access using computers, libraries and other resources across the country and world without learning one's learning place.

INTERNET - An international electronic (e-mail) network connecting schools and universities, military, government and commercial computer users through thousands of computer networks. The INTERNET is the main connector of all sub-networks. Some examples of sub-networks include: BITNET(Because It's Time NETwork)EARN(European Academic Research Network), USENET, APRANET, CSNET, etc.


COMPUTER - The brain of a technology program. It consists of a central processing unit, memory, storage, and ports where other hardware can be connected.

MODEM - The machine that enables the computer to communicate with other computers on a network over the telephone lines.

SCANNER- this machine photocopies images and translates them into images your computer reads.

CD PLAYER - this machine allows the playing and retrieving of information from a CDROM disc.

MOUSE - An input device that interfaces with the computer to access data by clicking a button on the mouse to a prompt or picture on the monitor. Other input devices includes the keyboard, keypad, light pen, joystick and monitor touch.


SOFTWARES - Are the programs that make the hardware function.

LASER DISC -  Also known as video discs, these softwares are capable of storing 54,000 pages of information on a twelve-inch disc similar to a record. Laser discs also have information, graphics and sound that is displayed and heard on the computer monitor. These are easily updated
and may soon replace textbooks as a primary teaching tool.

COMPACT-DISC, READ-ONLY-MEMORY (CD-ROM)- These smaller discs incorporate hi-quality sound, pictures and full motion video. Encyclopedia Britannica holds and entire encyclopedia of nine million words, 5000 articles, 63000 entries, 15000 photographs and charts, sixty minutes of sound and forty-five animation sequences-plus the entire Merriam-Webster Intermediate Dictionary-on a single compact disc.

COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION (CAI) OR INTEGRATED LEARNING SYSTEM (ILS)- Software programs that include tests and practice problems that are used and stored in the computer. The systems allows the students to access programs under the teacher's direction, while the system tracks their progress and scores. Learning is interactive and individualized.These instructional programs provide basic skill development, drill and review.

ART PROCESSING- Art and drawing programs which allow students to draw with a mouse, choose from templates or color pre-programmed patterns.

HYPERCARD- A hypercard program allows non-programmers to custom-make instructional materials for students. Experienced students can use hypercard to create reports or projects. It combines buttons, fields, scripting, sound, and clip art. Education hypercard allows teachers to format grade reports, attendance, and other routines.

WWW- The World Wide Web (or the proper World-Wide Web; abbreviated as WWW or W3, and commonly known as the Web) is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the internet. With a web browser, one can view pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks. 

HTTP- The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.

HTML- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the main markup language for web pages. HTML elements are the basic building-blocks of webpages.
URL- In computing, a Uniform Resource Locator or Universal Resource Locator (URL) is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to an Internet source. A URL is technically a type of uniform resource identifier (URI) but in many technical documents and verbal discussions URL is often used as a synonym for URI. 
WIFI- Wireless-Fidelity is a mechanism that allows electronic devices to exchange data wirelessly over a computer network. A device enabled with Wi-Fi, such as a personal computer, wideo game console, smartphone, tablet, or digital audio player, can connect to a network resource such as the Internet via a wireless network access point. 

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